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A Journal of my Journey: 12-21-20 (A “Meh” day is better than a bad one.)

Sparky45 December 22nd, 2020

Work was fine. All day was ok, only one little anxiety increase and that was related to a customer issue that a “normal” person would have reacted the same way to.

Was a bit depressed and losing focus/motivation on the way home. So much to do, so overwhelming, and just unable to see a reason for being….but I forced through. My son will be home for 2 days for Christmas and I’m working on cleaning (a bit.)

I ate healthy, researched more on diet/exercise/losing weight in relation to depression and anxiety. Hoping it can help me since I won’t do medication and can’t afford therapy.

I guess my only other issue was frustration with 7cups itself. I was trying to make a post explaining a past depression episode. The algorithm (or whatever) kept saying “Are you in crisis?” and would not allow me to post. I understand the purpose and maybe erroring on the side of caution if good - but if I was actually in crisis then not being able to post might have been enough to push me further. (What do I know?)


MidwesternCalmSeeker January 3rd, 2021


Hi, Sparky. I just read your post and wanted to let you know that your words were impactful. First, I hope that you had a great visit with your son over Christmas. Second, because posts such as these are not private, I think the censors help to make sure that someone else doesn't get triggered by specific things being shared. I think it may be a little easier to express yourself while chatting with a listener who is trained to support you when you want to get some of those more powerful emotions out. I'm sorry that you found it frustrating, though. Take care. It sounds like you are taking steps to a better you, and I wish you all the best.