When it hits in
Hi there,
sorry for making up a new thread but I didn't know where to put this topic.
Sometimes you think you work it, you handle it, you know yourself and you have everything under control. And then, suddenly, it hits back.
Right now I have a holiday. Yay? No, shit weather, I earn little money so no getting away and all I try like distractions, sports, therapy, yoga... it all seems so meaningless. I'm sad. Alone. Overwhelmed with life, all the decisions and no happiness with whatever I take and people not loving me.
It's hitting back and again I feel so stupid as I'm doing nothing with my life, not using my life, not living it. And then, sure, a better time will come followed by a painful fall. Even Fluoxetin ain't helping now.
What do you do?
Thank You for sharing! I loved reading this, don't feel stupid I know your mind is working against you right now, but stay strong and keep fighting. @rcpkimuchi