What little things in life make it worth living?
For me,
It's hot chocolate on cold days
Or songs that make you dance;
Sunsets that kiss the world with fire
And put you in a trance
It's snuggling inside a blanket,
becoming a human burrito;
Or passing someone on the street
And exchanging quick hello's
Lovely people of 7 Cups,
those are some of mine;
It's appreciating these things, one by one,
that make life truly shine
Friends like me :D joking, Pizza :)
A friend with a Pizza sounds good to me . Someones going to be lucky
I never thought I would find myself at a loss of words...I could go on with anenumeration but then I would just be lying to myself...is it worth it? No...we go on? Yes...
Lost for words.....you must be tired I never expected that of you.
@lazyKatz yes, just my soul is tired for quite a very long time now...much too long...
Sometimes it's hard to remember the little things and take joy in them. I know it's difficult for me, and sometimes I take them for granted, but when I'm feeling down it's sometimes these little things that can keep me going - even for a little bit.
The unconditional love of dogs and their silly antics always cheers me up.
Hot coffee on a cool day and refreshing iced drinks when the sun feels hot on your skin.
Scary movies all bundled up with popcorn and someone you love by your side to freak out with.
Listening to new music from your favorite band, drooling over the vinyl art.
Meeting up with a friend and seeing the excitement on their face when you arive.
Thunderstorms and rain lulling you to sleep, safe under your blankets.
When the custard shop has your favorite flavors.
Pizza, pasta, ice cream, tacos, sushi, fancy french pastries, homemade meals... so food. I love food.
And sometimes it is just getting a moment to yourself to relax. To allow yourself some time and space to not have to think about what's burdening you and the weight on your shoulders. Sometimes it's all about letting yourself be aware of all that you struggle with, and knowing it's okay to feel that way, and letting it all go for just a moment.
@HanaK Love it! Those are my favorite things too :)
For me listening to good music, taking hot showers and bath's. The idea of getting myself a cat when I will have my own appartment.
Trimming the cats claws I don't enjoy it and neither does the cat. My legs however feel the benifit of not being scratched.
When someone you love comes to you just for a cuddle. :)
Hobbies.For me its magic.For you it could be juggling,welding or skating.Any hobby you can find.
My children's smiles after a hard day at work
sleeping in the safety and comfort of my husbands arms.
Laughing bc the only other alternative is crying and there's already been too much of that
seeing strangers be kind to one another especially during difficult times. Bc that gives me hope that not all people are bad.
When my younger sisters give me a hug and tell me they love me.