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Goggo September 26th, 2020

Let's make a habit of saying thank you...

Yae it might sound awkward at the moment, but we need tor ealise the power beneath this simple notion of saying this beautiful phrase, we really don't appreciate whatever we have, but when I see to it that what we can really do about it by saying 'Thank you' is nothing as compared to what we are blessed with.

There are people who are less fortunate, people who don't have 2 meals, people who aren't blessed with a proper shelter, people who aren't blessed with parents, even there are people who sleep in night and doesn't wake up the next morning.

What I really wanna convey is that at least we can just say a little 'Thank you' every morning

Or even we can say it to most negligible things, like the things which people do for us which includes our sweepers, our drivers, our milkman or anyone, we really don't know as through what they are really going and it might lighten up their day

So let's make a promise to thank everyone who does anything for us or everthing with which we are blessed..

So just say 'Thank You'

crimsonCucumber3274 September 27th, 2020


Agreed!! ??