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One thing I am feeling sad about today is....

Laura December 2nd, 2018

One thing I am feeling sad about today is....

Lucider December 4th, 2018

I feel as though I'm being haughty.. proud.. arrogant when I speak of my dreams and accomplishments, and I feel as though I am not doing enough in the moment to justify my words.. That feeling makes me sad.

Stargazernow December 4th, 2018

Feeling alone. Feeling moody. Trying to explain and getting pushed away. Offering help and getting rejected. Just so much bull.

Rcsangel December 4th, 2018

I'm just starting two new jobs and the neighbor that took me in from being homeless is treating me like I'm stupid. She wants $200 by the end of the week every week for me sleeping in a small closet sized sewing room which would be $800 for the month. I just make a little over $400 a month and she doesn't care. She tells me I'm stupid for having anxiety and I'm stupid for having an emotional support dog who I had to re-home because of her. Every opinion I have she ridiculed me for having. She calls me stupid on a daily basis and says if my fiance (the only support system I have right now) comes near the property she'll call the cops even though she never met him and he's never been here. She told me she'd tell the cops he stole from her even if he didn't. She drinks a whole bottle of wine every night and threatens to kick my dad and I out .I don't know what to do anymore. I have severe anxiety and PTSD and when she starts screaming and threatening us I freak out and get panic attacks and stay outside at the train station till I know she's asleep. I've tried calling shelters but no one answers and my fiance and I are struggling to save money. I feel like I'm gonna lose everything and end up on the street again in the middle of winter. I'm never allowed to talk or say how I'm feeling or she just verbally attacks me. I've been crying almost everyday. I don't know what to do. sad

1 reply
virv December 4th, 2018

@Rcsangel I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know what I can advise you. I'm sending hugs to you dear💕

Michyko March 22nd, 2019

@Rcsangel how i wish im near where you live so i can offer our house even if it is small. I will pray for you to be okay. Dear please dont give up. We are here for you.

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NN0nsanesome December 4th, 2018

I'm breaking up with my girlfriend....

Bluechocolatearms December 4th, 2018

I didn't attend class today. Mostly because it felt so heavy just to get up from the bed and I'm slowly feeling detached from the world again. I try to keep up with my roommates when they're chatting, but it isn't working for me this time. I feel kind of stuck and in between and it's been a while since I've felt like this. I think I'm doing awesome at school, but then as time passes by, I lose the motivation I have the first weeks. I don't know how to address this again because I can't seem to concentrate and I don't feel any motivation to study right now. :(

2 replies
affectionate9330 December 4th, 2018

@Bluechocolatearms your feelings are perfectly normal. I've felt the same way a lot of times this past year while working on a job with toxic environment. If you feel like you're getting more anxious, take a complete rest for a day or two. You may need time to reevaluate your goals and gain new perspective. Just relax and breathe. Everything will make sense.

1 reply
Bluechocolatearms December 6th, 2018

@affectionate9330 Thank you! I appreciate that you took the time to reply to a vent of mine and offered advice. I think I'm feeling much better at the moment, but I do agree that it's important to gain a new perspective and take a pause :)

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autumnrain22 December 4th, 2018

Everything at once, life as a whole

virv December 4th, 2018

I haven't got anyone to talk to and I can't find a normal job.

BeautifulPeopld December 4th, 2018

I feel like I will dissapoint everyone and I feel unable to finish all the work I have to do in time..

imaginativeVillage3407 December 4th, 2018

I feel bad because I can't start a new life. I keep going back to my addictions to keep anxiety at bay. Or control it. It works but I don't hae a life anymore....

affectionate9330 December 4th, 2018

One day at a time. It's the new mantra I have every waking day to help me relax and hustle through a hectic day ahead. To anyone who's anxious, we can do this together. Constant positive affirmation to get us through each day!