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My story

Idontknow27 March 29th, 2016
I feel ok right now which is why I want to get this out now rather than in a phase of depression. Though I am much better at expressing how I feel when I am depressed, when I actually am depressed I want this post to be rational rather than melodramatic. I have always been an extremely sensitive child as well as being extremely- even painfully shy. I was badly bullied in middleschool- but not by the cool kids, no- by the losers. I didn't really have any friends in school who I actually wanted to be friends with. That sounds extremely weird but maybe some of you understand what I mean. I changed school before 9th grade and went to a catholic all girls boarding school, where I had always wanted to go (my mother had been there too). Though I was very excited and looking forward to finally going to by dream school, obviously I was scared because I knew that I wasn't good at making friends due to my overwhelming shyness. However after a week or so I felt comfortable enough to be my regular self with the girls in my grade and the grade above. I made friends with the "cool clique" and finally found the friends I was looking for. Girls I can relate to, who understand my humor and who I can be my complete naked self with. However these girls were not like the cool kids at my old school, they were nice to every one and didn't choose their friends based on the brands they wore. They were goofy like me, they didn't act or look like 30 year old party girls like the girls at my old school. They cared about having fun. Not being grownup.
Anyway I'm rambling. The point is was happy I finally had what I always knew I deserved. What I had always wished for.
As I became older I started getting panic attacks in social situations.
In 10th grade I started a tumblr blog (private, I did not want anyone to see) where I could just get all of my feelings out. It was all black and white, and filled with very sad posts- pictures and quotes.
Last year I finished school. And just 2 weeks ago I finished the tailoring apprenticeship I was doing next to school and left boarding school for good. In the 2 years leading up to the final exams and the last half a year of tailoring I was extremely stressed out and afraid of failing.
I had weeks where everything was fine and then a week where everything was completely horrible and I was ready to cry at any second, full with self hatred and negativity. I shut everyone out even my best friends, who, you have to think, lived with me and even shared a room with me. A room that I wouldn't come out of during those periods.
Idontknow27 OP March 29th, 2016
I started scratching my arm with a needle because i was so mad at myself for feeling this way. I Haven't told anyone that before.
After one of those weeks, someone very close to me, whom I worked with everyday: my tailoring teacher noticed my change in mood.
She took me aside and said "hey I've noticed that you are working a lot better this week! Could it be that you are just in a better mood, and in a better place emotionally?" I said "yes absolutely" and then she asked a question that made my heart stop.
"Do you have depression?"
I honestly didn't know what to answer. Sure I had heard a lot of stories and when I began feeling sad I had read up on it but I would have never gone so far as to call myself that.
This was approximately 3 months ago. Since then one of my best friends has also expressed concern, and said that she thinks I am more than sad when I am in this state. She even talked to her cousin about me who is studying psychology to get me help.
That was when I finally decided to tell my mother. My mum is my best friend in the world. I love her more than words can say and could not wish for a better mother. There is nothing she could have done better for me and my sister. That is why it took so long for me to open up to her about all this. I didn't want her to think it was her fault, and I felt guilty for feeling this way because, actually I should be happy.
There were times I was jealous of people who lost loved ones because they had a reason to be sad, and I was just feeling the same way for no fucking reason. God that is
Anyway my mother was very quiet. She apologized in case it was something that she had done. It wasn't. It's not. She said hesitantly that if that is what I want I can see a professional, but honestly she is in complete denial. To this day.
Idontknow27 OP March 29th, 2016
I don't know if I want to see a professional. I wouldn't know where to start. Like I said I am shy, I am introverted. How could I spill my guts to a stranger. How could I tell this shrink everything I feel, everything I think. It's overwhelming and too much even for me. How could I explain these feelings and thoughts to him if i don't even understand them.
I started a journal where I write down all my thoughts and it helps, it does, but not for very long.
At this point I do not know what to do.
I have days on which I feel so heavy and breathing is hard, and then I have days where I can be goofy and happy and jokey and funny. I want to be other people all the time. On the other hand I am glad that I am different because due to my over sensitivity I am very good at putting myself in other people's position and feeling with them.
I hope some of this made sense. I don't 100% feel like I got everything out but this is a start.