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Is depressions ever going to end?

User Profile: Elena1998
Elena1998 May 16th, 2016

I don't quite feel like telling my story, but the question that bothers me is is it ever going to go away? I'm working towars getting better, so I'm not just waiting for it to get better, and yet, I know that it will get better, but the question I habe is will it ever be good enough? I'm confused and tired and I just need some hope and motivation to fight.. frown

May 16th, 2016

@Elena1998 I'm glad you are getting help for your depression and that you are hopeful that you will feel better soon! It sounds as if you are starting to work towards a more positive attitude towards depression but I know sometimes we can fall back into a rut. It's important to know that this is normal and not something to be ashamed of. Everybody has days where they don't feel happy and when you are dealing with depression, you can have more days where that happens.

I feel like happiness is an elusive beast, the more we seek it, the less likely we are to find it. It is only through improving our life and trying to remain positive but realistic that not all days are going to be happy but not all days are going to be depressing. To me, I think of happiness like our shadow. It is always there beside us but when we start to chase after it, it flees. Life is learning that each and every day will bring new opportunties for growth. Some of those days will be more challenging than others but it's important to know that storms don't last forever.

Do you ever give yourself a day to just feel sad or depressed? It's okay to acknowlege when we are sad and it's perfectly fine to cry or to express that sadness. I really think you are doing so well and I believe in you! I know it's so hard not to get discouraged but keep fighting and don't ever surrender! You got this! heart

User Profile: eNice
eNice May 17th, 2016

@Elena1998 This is something I struggle with too. When you are doing everything you "should" be doing. It is still hard and feels like it will never get easier. Intellectually and logically you know it can't last forever (right?), but having an actual timeframe would make it easier to get through the impossible day to day!

Just know you are doing everything right. Take it moment by moment, and breathe. That can sound trite, especially when you are in an emotional throw down, but also on those days when being positive and addressing the depression seems like endless drudgery. But really that is enough. Just breathe. Reach out. Do the self care and coping skills even when you don't want to. And if you are only able to do it half-way on some days, thats ok too.

Like the previous respondent said give yourself permission to be where you are. Acceptance is not acquiescence. At least thats what I tell myself.

Sometimes its hard to remember what "better" would be like. Perhaps it is different for everyone. For me right now it would mean that on a good day, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the darkness to return. I think that is possible.