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Depression Community - How have you coped with depression?

User Profile: rainyLove17
rainyLove17 January 29th, 2015

If you've ever suffered from depression, you aren't alone. If you're currently suffering, think you are, or have overcome depression, how do you cope? What do you do when you're feeling low?

I personally like to sit alone in my room and listen to music or play my guitar, or read a book. It sounds strange, but its almost like I'm reconnecting with myself and by doing things I enjoy, it helps. It doesn't fix my depression, but it certainly does help.

User Profile: easyTortoise20
easyTortoise20 January 29th, 2015

Personally, the way I cope is first to cry, then think about why im crying, then talk to someone about it, like my sister, or best friend, then get over it as quick as possible, so that this wont linger and fester.

User Profile: MyFiniteInfinity
MyFiniteInfinity January 29th, 2015

I'm not going to lie. At first, I coped by isolating myself in my room and listening to music. This eventually led to self harming in the end, when the depression was at it's worst. I'm now three weeks clean from self harm. I have been working on using other methods of coping. I am learning to play the guitar, I read, I continue to listen to music, and I draw. I'm definitely doing a lot better when it comes to coping.

User Profile: Sunfeather72700
Sunfeather72700 January 30th, 2015

I cope by crying,

User Profile: zobo
zobo January 30th, 2015

I usually just isolate myslef in my room and listen to music and cry.

User Profile: depressingday
depressingday January 30th, 2015

I thought he like me but I was wrong

User Profile: centauri
centauri January 30th, 2015

When depressed, I lost all the desire of doing things and could easily spend all the day on the bed looking at a blank point at the wall. My way of coping was just trying to make as more things as I could and celebrating every single little thing I did, just like: getting out of bed, getting the notebook, taking a shower, washing the dishes. It made me feel like I have accomplished a lot that day and was good to my self-esteem! When I'm depressed I feel zero desire to go out of the house and go out with friends, but I know that if I stay at home, I will get into a deeper hole, so I force myself to get out and sometimes even enjoy it. These are the main things I do, and basically they mean the same thing: trying to take myself out of my bedroom is a big and important step to deal with depression.

User Profile: Sunfeather72700
Sunfeather72700 January 30th, 2015

I also cope by going for runs to release the pressure

User Profile: Honored
Honored January 30th, 2015

I tend to feel inadequate when plans with friends fall through... i mostly blame my self for this even tho it might not be my fault. So I end up feeling bad and getting depressed about it, so I'll lock my self illness my room and draw sometimes, play some video games, or just listen to music. But by getting online and playing games with other people I'm able to jump I'll in with my online friends and I feel better because they always ask me for help. I end up not feeling useless which is most of the time..