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Another new person

SerendipitousWillow July 13th, 2016

Hi everyone. I'm new to this online community thing but not new to depression. I was depressed and often suicidal from middle school through early college; freshman year I had a huge break down that stopped me in my tracks but ultimately got me back on the right path. I've been in and out of counseling since I was 14 (I'm 25) and on medication since I was 19. I graduated from college a little over a year ago, found a job in my career path that I love, moved in with my then-boyfriend-now-fiance, got a cat, and am generally living a good, stable life. Despite all of that, my brain still tells me terrible things about myself and has started giving me anxiety problems as well. I've had a lot of very big life changes in the last year and I'm having a hard time keeping up with myself. I have a lot of memories and regrets that are coming back to haunt me now that my life is calmer, on top of the day to day stress and the general guilt I carry with me everywhere. But I'm getting tired of feeling tired and guilty and sad all the time, and I'm tired of beating myself up for being depressed when my life is good, so I'm here, trying a new way to support myself. Sorry for the long post, but if you've read this far, thanks for reading.

professionalPerspective60 July 13th, 2016


Hi, hello there!

And welcome to the 7 cups community, it's really very nice to see you here reaching out in the forums.

From what you have already told us in your post, my first thought was, ' wow, how incredibly brave and strong you are' to have already dealt with so much hardships in your younger life, and here you are now, many years down the line, and you have accomplished so so much, that's something to be seriously very proud of.

Whatever life throws at you, this proves that you are able to face things head on, overcome the fears once again, and look forward to better things, it's a journey hun, your journey, ride the road the very best way you can, this road may not be part of your plan, but it's meant to be because it's your path, things will work out for you, and when you reach your destination, life is going to be awesome again.

I wish you the best of luck sweetheart, and if you ever want to chat, talk things over, your very welcome to message me.

Have a lovely day.