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i want to disappear

lanyard May 7th

but not in suicidal kinda way

Tinywhisper11 May 7th

@lanyard are you having the feeling, where you just want to curl up alone in a cave, and just be?? I get that feeling alot, but it will pass. And we are all here for you, if you need to vent or talk, go ahead, I will always listen to you and comfort you in any way I can ❤ hugs you tightly ❤everything will be ok ❤

lanyard OP August 27th

thank you ♥️

Tinywhisper11 August 27th

@lanyard hey hii! How have you been?? I was worried about you ❤ I know I don't know you, but I was still worried I know that feeling all to well. My names Lola ❤ I really hope your doing ok

lanyard OP August 29th

hi Lola. some days are tough, some days are bearable. but im thankful that im alive. thanks for checking up on me ♥️