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how do u stay positive

tidyrose August 1st

i feel like my life has turn upside down. i am questioning my self worth. i feel like i'm wallowing in hopeless and i can't see no way out of this situation. how do you stay positive when things are not going your way?

juliak1968 August 1st



I struggle with the negativity also and try to advocate for myself in many ways. But the easiest way is to redirect your attention on something you enjoy and don't let other peoples drama rent space in your head. Walk away, drive away, find peaceful places on this planet to go, there are many options I believe and it helps to be grateful for all the things we do have like food and shelter because it is a scary world out there and so being safe is most important. Another thing is I don't get into politics, religion, or drama. I know its a lot to learn how to have and enjoy some alone time doing what every you like to do. Be happy, SMILE and take a look in the mirror at how much younger and happier we look when we smile, I like the sayings "Don't let it rent space in your head" by my Dad, and "Those that matter don't mind, and those that mind DON'T Matter!!~  Your not alone in this desire to feel better and whole. Give your self a ton of credit for reaching out on 7cups; This site has some super smart kind and creative people all here like you trying to make life better by example. It actually works!! Tag me any time. Chin up, there are no answers on the ground! :-)

Blessings, Day

Reaper17 August 5th

@tidyrose like everyone else I was under the notion that positive is something we all have to be all the time  but honestly no one is positive all the time its okay to not be positive but ofcourse you still want to have a better outlook for which I always accept things as they are then I sit down to form plans around it to fix these things that were not the easiest to accept when you adopt a mindset of whatever happens I will get through it that is when it comes off as you re always positive although its when you re self assured or self empowered. So I just look for the good things even the small ones that are still there and what i can do with those things to make my situation better and thats something i call voluntary optimism but i do tell myself that i m only human and try not to take too much on myself.