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tsukiyadusk August 11th

how is it that when i have issues and problems that i’m worried about, my family doesn’t care, but when my sister has an issue or problem, they immediately jump to ask if she’s okay and to get her scheduled a doctor appointment??? like i love my sis and always want her to be okay, but where’s the care for me?? it feels like everyone cares so much more for her. she’s feeling sad? everyone crowds her and try cheering her up. i’m feeling sad? they ask me what’s wrong, i tell them, and they proceed to disregard it and ignore it.

idk maybe i’m just being dramatic, but it upsets me so much.

bestVase7265 August 12th

That would upset me too. You are allowed to be frustrated. Have you ever talked to your family about it? Does your sister face some kind of special circumstances that might cause them to react more quickly to her? @tsukiyadusk

tsukiyadusk OP August 12th

i’ve talked with them about it but they just wave it off , and she doesn’t face any special circumstances ;;;;;;;

bestVase7265 August 14th

That is frustrating then. Do you have other people besides family that you can turn to for support? Sometimes widening your network can help a bit.