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User Profile: shrishti007
shrishti007 3 days ago

hi everyone. i’m not entirely sure what “depression” is. but these past few weeks i’ve been crying almost every night, and i have zero motivation to do anything, even get out of bed. i’ve been struggling with suicidal thoughts too, but id never go through with it. i don’t know if this is classified as depression or just a phase. please help me.

User Profile: KasperTheGhosttt
KasperTheGhosttt 2 days ago


Depression simply means feeling sad, hopeless, lack of interest or pleasure and it doesnt go away after a week or so. So reading your post it is definitely possible that you may be depressed. Altho most people here are not medically educated so we cant diagnose you or give out medical advice, we only share support and share tips/"advice" that may help.

The bright news is that sometimes the big pain turns out to just be a small pain. Did you ever call someones name and they didnt listen so you yelled louder and louder? Could be annoying but just because you yell really loud at them doesnt mean you are super angry right? you just want attention. Does that make sense? The same happens with pain sometime where it yells really loud but its not really that bad as it feels at first. So hang in there ok?

Depression is a very evil sneaky problem that after it starts begins secretly attacking your basic needs, "i dont wanne eat right now" "or i wanne eat waaay too much", then it disrupts your sleep. so now you got no sleep(energy) and no proper food(energy) with no energy you cant exercise(pleasure) you lack the energy to do other fun stuff(pleasure) so now you crave for unhealthy pleasure(maybe social media, youtube, other addictions). And pleasure is what drives your motivation, so if your only pleasure comes from 1 thing only, all the other things will have zero motivation. Does that make sense? pleasure is limited each day(in your brain) so be careful about spending it all in the morning on youtube crazy cat videos, or whatever you spend your supply of daily pleasure on currently haha.

The obvious advice that people are going to give you is: find out what hurt you and try to solve the situation or talk about it with others. Or possibly see a professional that can talk it out of your head. (yes they can literally do that). Did you know your brain is just electric signals ON OFF? Thats all it is ON OFF. So if you talk to someone and his words find the right electric signal in your brain the pain literally just shuts off. "words can heal" is not a joke, its real.

Geek side note(brain scientists are now developing a way to skip psychologists entirely by simply biologically turning depression and others off(no joke, its called Transcranial magnetic stimulation)

But back on topic, the less obvious advice is to fight the symptoms itself. Its hard enough dealing with the hurt alone, but with 0 energy and 0 motivation its near impossible to get out of bed. So gather your last willpower and make yourself some healthy breakfest, thatll cause you to not under/overeat at dinner which helps with sleep. Try to get a grip on your food and sleep and youll soon have enough energy to deploy the biggest weapon called "listen to music and do sports". Both of them give big amounts of pleasure(dopamine) which overtime can help get your pleasure and motivation circuits in your brain to return to normal.

Damn ive been yappin a bit too long, but anyway, i hope you feel better soon and remember the part about the yelling. Sometimes that all it is, just your body yelling at you for attention, the actual pain you have inside is alot smaller than the pain you feeling, you are gonne be fine ;)


its painful to be in darkness, with dark thoughts. Alone in this world. But reaching out is exactly what to do. Consider talking to someone, a counselor or therapist. You don’t have to suffer thru this. There is help out there.

User Profile: GuyAlma
GuyAlma 2 days ago

@shrishti007 for many of us sometimes our lives seem to go in this way. It feels like we are shutting down even though we have no underlying motivation (or at least not that clear). This can be confusing and difficult. We know. But, you have already taken the first big step and are speaking out here with great courage. This should not be underestimated and is important for your own good. Don't lose your strength and remember that you can freely talk about it with a professionist. it can't rain forever.