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Withdrawal of antidepressants

helpfulAvocado9437 January 31st

My psychiatrist has decided to taper and stop all medicines, as none of them are helping. 1st antidepressant, trazodone tapered and stopped

10 days back. So going through rebound insomnia - sleeping only for 2 to 4hrs and feeling miserable. Looking for support from peers.

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@helpfulAvocado9437 oh that sucks. Do you agree with stopping your meds?? I don't think I'd manage with out my meds. We are all here for you ❤ I hope you start feeling better soon ❤

helpfulAvocado9437 OP January 31st

Thanks. I'm ok with stopping the meds as they have not helped me for decades. Going through treatment resistant depression. Meds were actually restarted about a year back. That was because i tapered cloaazepam without proper guidance, and got into a deep mess with acute anxiety and many other horrible feelings. This time I'm doing it with proper guidance. Thanks again for your good wishes and support ❤❤❤🙏🙏