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Scared to sink back into depression

PreciousReflection September 30th, 2023

I have been battling depression for years and have tried several different antidepressants and therapists. I am also a frequent user of 7 cups reaching out to listeners and also a listener myself. I have been on one medication for many years now and kind of stabilized myself but recently I have sunk back into depression. Not sure if it's seasonal or just laziness or what but for a week or so I had trouble getting out of bed and just wanted to sleep all day long.

Of course, this got me very depressed, not wanting to do anything and feeling terrible about my life. Now thankfully I am able to get out of bed in the morning and this is always the first major step that makes the most difference for me. Gradually I am able to incorporate healthy habits and routines into my day again.

But frankly I am scared of slipping back into depression. It seems such a fine line and I know one morning of just not wanting to get out of bed can lead to a week or more of depression. But I continue to cultivate my positive habits like reaching out to people and friends, studying, exercising, trying to eat better, just showing up, meditating, etc.

Can anyone relate? How have you avoided slipping back into depression? Should I try to find yet another therapist or try another med god forbid? Thanks for reading and good luck!

LetsChillOut September 30th, 2023

There's you're issue.....depression isn't a battle. Depression is trying to tell you are unhappy with something in your environment and that it needs to change

PreciousReflection OP October 2nd, 2023


Thanks for the reply GreenFairie. I am still able to get up at a normal hour and am continuing with healthy habits. Hopefully I won't slide back into depression, but if I do, I do know that it's always possible to pull myself out of it again, hopefully more quickly this time.

I am sticking to my same medication and same psychiatrist. I don't currently have a therapist but have had many in the past. I use 7 cups a lot to get support.

Thanks again for your response, I really do appreciate it. Take care.

bestVase7265 October 3rd, 2023

Yes, I have been in your situation so many times before. The fear can get really bad in and of itself. What really helped me was realizing that I now knew more than I did before and that I was going to find my way out quicker next time. When I was down it was just as bad as before but I was on the other side much, much faster. Keep using the techniques that you know now and presume that they will start working.

Keep in touch here and we will cheer you on. @PreciousReflection

PreciousReflection OP October 3rd, 2023


Thanks, bestVase. That makes a lot of sense. I do like to think I will be able to bounce back faster next time, if there is a next time. Even this morning I just felt like going back to sleep instead of starting my day, but I pushed myself to do some study I was interested in instead which helped. But it can be a constant struggle sometimes to keep going in the right direction.

Thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it.

bestVase7265 October 4th, 2023

You did absolutely the right thing in focusing on getting up even though it was hard. Focus your brain on the fact that you succeeded in your goal rather than it being hard to achieve it. Today was a victory, not a defeat.

When you can, get outside a bit. It can really help with the bad thoughts if you make it into a habit. @PreciousReflection

PreciousReflection OP October 5th, 2023


Thanks again for your response, bestVase. Yeah, I've been really trying to pat myself on the back for the small daily victories like getting out of bed in the morning and staying busy throughout the day. Also, your suggestion of going outside is a good one - I try to go for a morning walk when I can and usually this is very helpful. The more I get outside and get some sunshine/fresh air and exercise, generally the better I feel.

Depression can certainly be a challenge, but it's always nice to get support however small this may be, and realize I am not facing it all alone. I have been feeling a lot better this week and am (today at least) less scared of sinking back into depression. Thanks again for the reply and take care!

bestVase7265 October 6th, 2023

Great! You are certainly not facing it alone. Good luck. Feel free to comment here any time those dark thoughts come back. @PreciousReflection