Hello friends.
At this part of my life, I have lost the will to enjoy the things that make me happy in a past few years..
I'm sad, feel lonely, can't sleep..
I'm join a pen pal group (love to write), there's a bunch of letters waiting to be done..
Try learn a new language and sign language..(get bored)..
Try crafting (there's a box full of unfinished projects).
So, NOTHING fill me...
When depressed we often try many things .................but the depression often in my case ends up with a bunch of half done ideas and projects we hope the interest and enthusiasm very quickly.
there is no one answer no one task/ hobby that fixes it. i find forcing myself to do things even when i do not want to anything to get me out of the normal routine. but everything i do is something i can finish quickly not a project or learning thing that requires longer attention.