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My life has been going down hill

Olivia008 October 9th, 2023

I am 16 and for the past year my life has just been going down hill. My grades are seriously slipping and the worst part is I really tried hard but my best wasn't good enough. Now I don't have any motivation to do anything but at the same time feel guilty that I'm not doing anything. To my parents I think I look lazy but I'm so overwhelmed by everything that I just can't get up do anything without overthinking .Also I get really anxious when certain topics that are about me come up in conversation. I don't know what to do and how to be happy like I used to be.

toughTiger6481 October 9th, 2023


"To my parents I think I look lazy "    

telling your parents you feel overwhelmed and what you are going through is a good start the quote from your post   ... you think they see it that way ..... my guess is they do not they are most likely have many items they may think about what is happening but without talking ..... both sides may have guess wrong what is going on. 

 Looking back i see so many things that could have gone better in my life  if i had spoke up/ tackled items when they were small instead of ballooning into bigger items.... i always wish i could reach young people like yourself and tell them to learn from my mistake.    so many items when i did speak up tehy solution was far easier the i had imagined. 

bestVase7265 October 10th, 2023

I think that it starts with an honest conversation with your parents. How do you imagine that would go in the best case scenario?@Olivia008

Olivia008 OP October 10th, 2023

Well best case scenario they would be understanding and warm but I just not sure how to bring the matter up. I'm scared since my parents aren't that considerit about feeling and I've been hurt by their words the most😔

bestVase7265 October 11th, 2023

What would happen if you wrote down how you were feeling and sent them a note? @Olivia008

matchaLover89 October 10th, 2023

@Olivia008 Hi, I'm Celine :) I'm so sorry you feel this way. Be kind to yourself. Don't judge your feelings or situation too harshly. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer a close friend. Create a daily routine that includes activities you enjoy and tasks you need to complete. If you're feeling overwhelmed by tasks, break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This can make daunting tasks feel more achievable. Also, focusing on positive aspects of your life, no matter how small, can shift your perspective.