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In love with my male friend

bestTalker9406 August 3rd

Im in love with my male friend but I kind of know he does not feel the same, I can't move on, I keep crying everyday , I keep having that little hope that he might be interested someday, I want to confess but I don't want to lose him completely. I'm screwed literally.

bestTalker9406 OP August 3rd

I want some opinions about what to do, or maybe you can share your story if you have gone through this and tell me how it went.

PineTreeTree August 3rd

@bestTalker9406 there are billions of people in the world and yet your mind insists that you’ve reached the edge of the universe where nothin exists for you but a vacuum. Your suffering isn’t because you’re not in a relationship it’s in insisting that your fantasy is all there is. 

@bestTalker9406 how do you know he doesn’t have any feelings to you?

bestTalker9406 OP August 3rd

He does not take much interest in my life, he does not prioritise me, he has reduced the duration and amount of calls, he never initiates conversation if not necessary, the way I'm always eager to talk to him that does not seem from his side, I told him to come meet me on my birthday which is in approx 10-12 days he made excuses and refused and he does not seem to care much.

discreetBirch1123 August 3rd

I lived through this. My advice is go in separate ways right now. Break it off whatever is left between you two and go in your way never turn back. Live your life.

The person who really loves you will make excuses with others to attend your birthday. If he's the right person he'll always have time for you no matter what, that's called love.

bestTalker9406 OP August 4th

I agree but I will wait for my bday to be over and if I still can't move on I will cut all contact because I'm sure he will definitely call on my birthday even just to wish me.

bestTalker9406 OP August 26th

Well me cutting contact failed because he gifted me a book I always wanted to buy on my birthday. I never told anyone I wanted to buy it because I love to read and I normally want many books so it was one of them. So him gifting me that book was a coincidence but he said he read the synopsis and thought I would love it that's why he gifted me.ð¥º