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I Haven’t Left My House For 3 Months…….Please Help Me!!!

User Profile: SatinLacePoet
SatinLacePoet January 26th

I have been struggling with what I consider to be depressive type symptoms. And I have not left my house for 3 months, other than to walk down to the mailbox, a few times. So I haven’t driven my car for the same amount of time. And I don’t know how to break the cycle. As I am always too exhausted to go anywhere. I struggle with sleep issues, but am afraid to take sleeping pills and many over the counter sleep aids have not worked for me. Abut I have other reasons why I don’t leave the house. I don’t sleep and eat when I should and I lead a completely sedentary lifestyle, as I spend most of my time in bed, or sitting down. So I don’t get any exercise other than walking up and down the stairs of my house to go downstairs to the kitchen, etc. So I worry that my immune system will not be good enough to keep me from catching something, if I am around too many people. And there are a lot of things that go around this time of year.

I haven’t lead a normal lifestyle for about 5.5 years and though I was already going in this direction, about 6 months, before the pandemic, it got much worse during and after the pandemic. And I have not yet gotten back to a normal way of life.

But the hardest thing I am struggling with is that when I get upset about something, or my significant other and I have an argument, I can’t seem to do the things I need to do for myself and I immobilize. I don’t keep up with my hygiene, I only shower about once a week and I don’t go through my bedtime routine, or sleep and eat when I should. And the worst part is that I feel like I can’t turn to my friends for support, because when I have, they either don’t reply to my texts about it, or I feel like they don’t understand. And I feel like some of them have judged me for it. And I don’t think my therapist has the right skill sets, or life experience, to really help me in the ways that I need help. And although I can talk to my significant other about most of this, he can’t always help, because most of what I am dealing with is because of my stress about our relationship. So I feel like I am struggling without any real help from anyone.

I can’t deal with the way I am living this lifestyle and although I have made a lot of progress, off and on, for about the last year, I have not been able to break the cycle and get back to a normal way of life. I am terrified that I am wasting time, as most of the time, I don’t even have the motivation of energy to work on my goals. And I am so addicted to the internet, that all I do is stream videos, tv, movies, or research things. I order most of my groceries online and have them delivered to my house, because I’m too exhausted to go to the store. And I can’t get any dishes or housework done, other than doing some occasional loads of laundry.

I can’t take what I’m going through anymore, but how do I break the cycle, when I can’t even do what I need to do for myself right now?

Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated!

User Profile: PineTreeTree
PineTreeTree January 26th

@SatinLacePoet So here are some thoughts. 

Write down a plan for how you’re going to get out of this rut. It can just be a guess, wild guesses even. It might include planning to do something that even vaguely interests you. Maybe it can be something that gets you in the car and 5 blocks from your house. It could be something you commit to for 5 weeks or just a one time thing. So, what’s the point? Any movement is a thaw in the ice. You have the potential energy of a boulder teetering on the edge of a mountain. A small push can start it rolling. Maybe it rolls to the bottom of the mountain or it goes 50 ft. and gets stopped by trees. But the potential energy is there - you’ve described it. Don’t discount any movement no matter how small.

Try to do something like make your bed every day or declutter your environment. It can boost energy. It worked for me. It didn’t solve everything and I think I even found a way to put that activity into the “rut” as well, but it did have a noticeable effect for a short time. I believe even temporary improvement is worthwhile.

Consider changing therapists or maybe enlisting the help of a life coach.  

Google “David Burns” and “Feeling Good” for a do it yourself CBT therapy book that might address your depression.

Clear your mind and nervous system from whatever you are chasing with your internet addiction. Try 15 minutes of sitting with eyes closed and only paying attention to each breath. If thoughts arise ignore them and return to focusing on the breath. 15 minutes that is a shift from the ruminating mind to just relaxing. This may help your intuition to see a way out of your rut eventually.

1 reply
User Profile: SatinLacePoet
SatinLacePoet OP January 27th


Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and reading your words has given me some ideas that I am going to try. One of the things I struggle with the most is making myself fo things that I don’t want to do. But I know that I need to be patient with myself, as making changes for the better takes time and patience. But I believe and know that it is worth the effort.

Thank you, again and all the best to you!

SatinLacePoet 💖

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