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How do I stop drifting from my boyfriend ?

User Profile: YanaC
YanaC April 7th, 2024

So the past couple eeeks I’ve fallen into a really bad depression. I’m stressed with work drama I’m frustrated with my social life and I’ve just generally have not been feeling good. Normally when I’m like this I push the people close to me away. Me and my boyfriend just started living together so they’re really feeling the affects of it strong. I can feel that it’s hurting them but I don’t know what to do. I’ve been fighting it for so long it just overcame me and I’m taking it out on them. I don’t mean to but I can’t stop. And it’s so hard to talk about it

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 April 7th, 2024


Did you ever warn him?   from your post it seems like this has happened before and he may not have seen it up close but now that you are living together harder to not see or for you to hide. 

I had cycles like this and found talking even if hard .... is like a pressure relief valve ..... i think we get defensive as to no one knows what you are going through and if you talk ... many make unhelpful  suggestions or ideas we dismiss things what are we afraid of .... it may work and we would need to deal with things.....    The POWER to work through is yours ........the power to change is yours....  the power not to drift or push others away yours