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Feeling down

User Profile: skyraven02
skyraven02 January 27th

Feeling like a complete screwup when it comes to my kids. My oldest had issues all through school and took two extra years to graduate. One of my other kids is failing out of high school. My 5 year old is having different issues. My 3 year old is having a couple of issues but is ok. I just feel like I’ve done something to screwup all their lives and I don’t know what. I've been a stay at home home for 22 years. It’s the only thing I’ve ever done. I don’t know how to do anything else but wonder if I should have done something different and had them in daycare so they could have been around other kids and not home with me everyday.

User Profile: RedWell
RedWell 2 days ago

Getting good grades in school does not ensure Success in life. It really doesn’t. How many college grads with really good grades do I know Who can’t seem to form deep, long, lasting friendships, And they’re always hopping between jobs also that don’t pay much. Maybe they have never known any Love that they can count on at home . Being Loved by at least one person in life Is the single greatest gift That you can give someone if you want them to succeed. keep doing that!