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"Endless Regret: The Orbit of Self-Doubt"

purpleWheel4700 July 7th

I have this wondering in my mind. I wonder about the limits someone can achieve, how low a person can be, and how much a person can hate himself. How sad a human can be?

I’ll keep going around and around like satellites. Doing it again and again, and I can’t stop thinking about the things I am so sorry for! And I am counting millions of thoughts in my head and all of them are fake and end up pathetic.

PineTreeTree July 7th

@purpleWheel4700 Meditation, like mindfulness meditation, might help. It can help us focus on sensations in the body and away from all those pesky thoughts. Thoughts have no substance so they don’t deserve to be treated like solid objects, yet we treat them that way. Forgiving yourself is probably a good thing to do. Don’t say, “I can’t”, say, “I will learn how.”