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Dragging myself down

User Profile: Prijay
Prijay December 26th, 2024

My spouse has anger issues and depression and that led me to become depressed along with her. Now taking medication to calm myself. Even though I try my best, it is hard to keep the mind calmer when a new problem arises. I just want to live this moment happy but unfortunately my spouse lives in past and never happening future which is very hard.

How should I stop dragging myself down with her. I want to become a strong one so even she will hang on without drowning herself.

User Profile: RedWell
RedWell December 28th, 2024

Ignore her. Not in a bad way. But you see how contagious her energy is.

Let her talk, but don’t reply To the content. It’s negative it will always be negative and You enter her world And get stuck there if you reply to it. When she starts down the road of all the negativity, Just patiently start running your fingers through her hair with a little smile on your face. Once she pauses her conversation, Say “ Did I ever tell you how cute your nose wrinkles while you talk? …. “ Then smile and grab her hand and take her for a walk “ We’re going walking”. If she refuses then say “well I’m going walking. See you in a bit.”. Try the same thing tomorrow night and say “we’re going for a drive around town” “OK, I’m going for a drive around town. I’ll see you in a bit.” If she protests “ Babe, I love you, I’m not gonna let us get caught in loops to nowhere. If either of us starts to get into a negative loop to nowhere, It’s up to the other one to leave it behind and Get in the habit of going somewhere instead of going Nowhere, And offer to take the hand of the other one if they would like to come . And go out there and get some fresh air and fresh ideas” … Get her walking or driving and then just completely change the subject And talk about whatever positive things you want to talk about, Don’t force in any way her to enter the conversation, You just talk about your job or about current events in the world or some hobby that you were thinking about trying. Every time she starts going negative Listen for a while, rub her back lightly or run your fingers through your hair, Then interrupt With something new every night “ Did I ever tell you how I’ve always loved your voice?” “ Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy driving next to you ?” “ Did I ever tell you how much I respected How are you overcame …. That obstacle Two years ago And how you’re not a quitter?” . Then always Do a walk or a drive whether she joins you or not. You are sending the clear subconscious signal that you love her But you’re not going to spiral Down In negative energy with her, And that she can either join your positive energy in motion, Or you are going anyway, with or without her. Listen Affectionately, Interrupt with Did I ever tell you?.., And then go somewhere and invite her . She probably won’t come for the first three times To test you to see if she can suck you back into a negative energy. Once she sees that you have become immune to the negative spell, She’s going to realize that she’s missing out on the fun, And join you. And you have to have a new conversation topic ready to go That you can show you’re happy to talk about And it doesn’t matter whether she participates in the conversation or not, You are going to enjoy life anyway. This is the direct opposite of what she is doing, no matter what you say or do she is going to be miserable anyway. Your energy has to interrupt hers Just as persistently as her is always interrupts yours. This is the best way to help her because she doesn’t want to be negative all the time either deep down inside. But she’s stuck in the same loop It’s up to you to not participate.

1 reply
User Profile: Prijay
Prijay OP December 30th, 2024

@RedWell This is one of the best set of words I heard from a person who doesn't know me. Thank you

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