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Does Happiness Exist?

cyanTurtle8500 June 28th

Someone tell me where is happiness, where do I find it. What it is it? What does it look like?

PineTreeTree June 28th

@cyanTurtle8500 19.89 N 155.66 W under the tallest palm tree. Just kidding. There are three kinds of happiness that I know of. One is the happiness of getting what we want. Another is happiness from wanting what we have. The last form of happiness is when you learn to let go of harmful behaviors and thoughts. 

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 29th

But how can I get happiness?

PineTreeTree June 29th

@cyanTurtle8500 There are many books and articles that may help. Here is one

toughTiger6481 June 29th


No one can tell you how to find your happiness..... because happy is different for everyone....

What is portrayed as happy from media/ advertisers/ movies and tv are simply not real ....

So many think if only this or that happens ......or we get some item....... but in the end we are still not happy.........

maybe we go do something and wonder what is the big deal this is not fun or happy i have even seen looks on peoples  face pretending because ... this is suppose to be "it" even if we do not feel it.... 

When you find yours .... you will know and it does not have to make ANY sense to anyone else.