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Depressed and lost

I am a divorcee. I live with my parents. A year ago I became friends with a man. At first he met as a friend. Then, he told me that I have no one and he made love to me. He promised to marry me. Since I was also single then, I accepted his love. Then we went outside together.we had some physical relationship as well.I told him that my parents would not easily agree to my next life. He also said he would wait.

Yesterday he asked me to run away from home. I said I will not come without my parents consent. He started fighting with me. We both had a fight yesterday. This morning I started talking without thinking as usual. But he prepared his biodata and sent it to me. He said that he had sent all his friends and was going to find another girl. I got more and more angry. I said you swore to me and now you are looking for another girl. Again he fought with me. No matter what I say, he doesn't change from trying to find another girl. We broke up this evening. Now I feel like crying and angry and don't know what to do. The person who told me that I am there for so long, has gone in search of another girl in one day. I don't know how to get out of this. I feel lonely.

User Profile: RedWell
RedWell January 22nd

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Forgive me that I don’t understand your culture. But I will pray for you and give you a man’s perspective: He may have said respectfully that he would wait for you to leave your parents, To give you enough time for you to get ready to leave your parents. but if Your parents are going to rule you Forever, That is not something that most men are willing To join. He wants to know whether he can start a family with you, Or if he is merely A glued on piece Into your family. Most men do not want to be ruled by somebody else’s dad. You have been married before so obviously you are an adult. I think to keep a man you have to decide whether You will always be ruled by your parents or not. I’m sorry if I misunderstand and I’m not being helpful, But no man wants to Take on the responsibilities of being a man so that they can be treated like a child by their dad and mom in law. And again, I am very, very sorry if I misunderstood What you said or misunderstood your culture. I am just telling you I am a man and I will not be ruled by another man. And I wish you very, very good luck In your decision.