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Depressed and Can't Find a Job

littleCurrent7762 July 20th, 2023

Hello. I'm a recent college graduate who has been searching for a job for over a month now. I literally spend about 8 hours a day dedicated to finding a job. I have two internships and two on-campus job experiences. I've had my resumes and cover letters reviewed by the career department of my college and they said they were excellent. But guess what? I can't get a SINGLE interview, unless you count the scam job. All my friends have jobs now except me and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to apply to places where I have experience but I still don't hear a word back. I feel so useless and I feel like I am letting my partner down. I'm becoming a financial burden. I swear I am a dedicated, hard worker, but nobody is willing to give me a shot. It's been making me so depressed, I end up staring at my computer screen, and doubt I am even good enough. I've started to get desperate and looking at jobs like night stocker or waitress. I don't know if anyone else is struggling out there, it can feel very lonely, especially when all your friends talk about their jobs.

MeaningfulSilence July 20th, 2023


Hi there, sorry for the current situation. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a job, we aren't living in ideal times. I wonder if your friends have found something in your same field because they come from same type of graduation? If so maybe they can give you tips or info about the company they work for, in case the company needs for more workers?

If talking with them is becoming stressful, consider if you can have me time moments focusing in work research and your partner. No need to spend time listening for tells that put you down.

Said that, try not to give up, the beginning can be difficult but at a point you also will find the opportunity to work!

Here in 7 cups there's also the community that supports work issues, maybe talking with them can help you having some ideas on the matter. You can explore the community here:

Sending you my best wishes!

littleCurrent7762 OP July 20th, 2023

@MeaningfulSilence thank you very much. I will check out the career forum. And actually my friends and I all studied different subjects. I was a psychology major while my friends were sociology, physics, politics, education, english, and computer science majors.

MeaningfulSilence July 20th, 2023


Hi 😊

Yes to check it sounds like adding chances to find a way for this stuck situation.

Alright then friends are in a different field. Cannot pass any company name to you.

Feel free to share any update!

bestVase7265 July 21st, 2023

Looking for work is one of the hardest, most depressing things that you will ever do. It says NOTHING about your character or your work ethic if you haven't found something in a month. Comparing yourself to your friends is not the right comparison to make. Each person's journey is different and you have no idea how long their jobs will last or whether they really will enjoy them 6 months from now.

The perfect job often appears out of nowhere. I know from experience. I once spent a year and a half searching and finding nothing. My son when he graduated from college had a period of over 6 months with nothing. His girlfriend just finished a 6 month jobless stint. We all found things that are meaningful and fit us perfectly.

You can do this. Just give yourself lots of self care and breaks while you are looking. @littleCurrent7762