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Addiction consuming my life

indigoHouse922 August 23rd

Hi I'm 14 I'm addicted to porn and the internet. I used to be a good student but now I am not. I got addicted to porn and the internet. Used it to escape the pressure my parents put on me. It ended up leading me down a bad path, I feel dumb ands stupid. I only imagine a future with me be unhappy and wanting to go. I feel my goals are a million miles away

bestVase7265 August 27th

I am so sorry that you have been struggling. I can imagine all of the pain and stress.

Remember that nothing at this point is predestined though. You can break that addiction and get back on track.

If you want, I am willing to help cheer you on. Just respond back to this thread and I will answer within 24 hours.

You deserve to feel better.@indigoHouse922