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2 People Wanna Kill My Toxic Mom And TBH I Don’t/Can’t Blame Them

User Profile: akunknown
akunknown July 4th, 2024

Two people got into a fight with my toxic and abusive (in a non physical way) mother. I told them that being angry all the time wanting to end her life won’t help but despite that I still don’t and can’t blame them honestly. 

She’s extremely difficult to be around. It’s not just her living in this house but she makes it like she’s the big boss all the time. Whatever she wants she always gets. Talking to her or setting boundaries doesn’t make any difference because she doesn’t listen to anything anyone says and invades the privacy as well as violate the boundaries of others. Especially the people she lives with. She doesn’t care. 

I have my problems and have been angry with her many many times so I understand how they feel and why they feel the way they do. But ending her life or anyone else’s life is too extreme for me tbh and I wouldn’t go that far knowing the consequences I’d live with forever afterwards including but not limited to guilt and shame and regret. I’ve explained all this to them but also admitted that they’re smart enough to know what they’ll be faced with if they do end the life of my toxic mother and that they’re both adults who can at this point make their own decisions and deal with the results and repercussions of their choices that they made. 

Personally I don’t believe my toxic mother living is helping anyone in the family and that she’s lived way too long as it is causing nothing but stress, problems, complications, drama, trouble, trauma for everyone in her life. However ending her life is not the way despite all that being true. 

User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 July 5th, 2024

@akunknown I can understand your frustrations and theirs to, to a certain extent. But taking someone's life is never right. It's a shame how one toxic person can ruin the lives of so many and cause this much stress😥 it's not fair to you, any of you. I don't think it's worth explaining, talking reason, or getting angry at her will ever change her, unfortunately. It's really sad that she did so much damage, even her own kid can't blame anyone for wanting to get rid of her like that😥

My heart goes out to you ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ I'm right here if you need me ❤

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User Profile: akunknown
akunknown OP July 5th, 2024


Taking someone’s life is always wrong, extremely wrong. But unfortunately it’s part of the unfortunate reality we live in. People take other’s lives and even their own life. Drugs, loneliness, trauma, depression, being abused, mental health problems, maybe even alcohol, can all cause someone to take someone’s life as well as commit suicide and take their own life. And there’s so many ways to do it. I get why. They’re trying to free themselves from the pain and everything that’s hurting them. But by ending lives, they’re robbing people including themselves of the opportunity to live happily once they heal. 

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 July 5th, 2024

@akunknown I want to be those ones who heal and find happiness ❤

7 replies
User Profile: akunknown
akunknown OP July 5th, 2024


That’s me too :) If only everyone was like that, there would be peace everywhere as no violence would ever exist. Maybe in an alternate reality it’s like that??  

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 July 6th, 2024

@akunknown we need to find a way to get to that altenate world🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

5 replies
User Profile: akunknown
akunknown OP July 6th, 2024


How about we hire experienced expert scientists to create portals that’ll get us there?????

User Profile: akunknown
akunknown OP July 6th, 2024


But we gotta leave my mom and stepdad behind. After all we don’t wanna be responsible for any trouble being created in this currently trouble free world. 

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 July 7th, 2024

@akunknown oh 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 so I have to behave too????

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User Profile: akunknown
akunknown OP July 7th, 2024


Nah you’re already well behaved. You’re fine. All good. 

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 July 8th, 2024

@akunknown yaaaaay😇

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User Profile: BlackWood8234
BlackWood8234 July 7th, 2024

Maybe you could get her help because while she is traumatizing you. That is likely due to her own personal trauma or mental illness . Being mean to others to feel superior is coping with something I'm sure. I'm not a Dr but that might be what's going on

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User Profile: akunknown
akunknown OP July 13th, 2024


You can’t get someone help or help anyone yourself if they don’t want it or refuse to acknowledge/address to someone and/or themselves that they have problems that need to be coped with, treated or cured. Toxic people not only live with all their already existing problems but at the same time constantly create new problems for themselves as well as for everyone they know. That’s just how they are. Maybe to your point it’s caused by something that happened in their past however if they got help for it before it’d have been so much better for themselves and everyone in their lives including their families but they didn’t so not only are they suffering for their decisions but whoever they know is unfairly suffering for things they had nothing to do with. 

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User Profile: joyfulUs2825
joyfulUs2825 January 28th

Also really consider calling 911     or     999 depending on where you live.

Have a quick word  with the call handler they will guide your conversation and extract the information they need to know and log all necessary based on these threats and allegations

they may attend .  Or request you to come in or call again under any circumstances.  Keep me posted.  In the forum thread let us know how your feeling about this 

Hope it all works out tbf