To in depth to discuss
Do you ever feel like you know you have talk about things and get things to the surface but the trail to get the points to the surface are buried so deep you just dont feel like you have the energy to do that. It’s a million little things that add up, twists and turns with broken thoughts. Thousands of interruptions because you are needed and pulled in every direction that you can’t have a complete thought that’s your own because you can’t focus on yourself.
if your the man of the house or a single parent with no spousal support meaning they don’t do their parts on the visitation agreement which would amplify the no time to yourself statement I made earlier.
A million little things that drag you down to where you can barely make it across the room to sit down as the walls are caving in.
Asking for a friend.
Hey there.
If I am understanding your post correctly (and please let me know if I am), I feel like you're saying that the sum of all of the things that we deal with on a daily basis can affect us and keep us from being able to address the root issue of a problem (or problems)?
You are correct. Sometimes those problems are buried and the thought of having to dig deep to bring them up so that we can start fixing them when your already exhausted are more trouble than its worth so why try? To satisfy everyone else needs but my own, and the drama continues, still no resolution.