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Struggling with depression?

Have you ever struggled with depression or are you currently struggling with depression? This might be worth a read..  Whatever you're going through, you're not alone! 🥰

Depression is hard, depression is scary. You feel alone, you feel like a burden. Nothing makes sense, your head is telling you one thing, your heart is telling you another. You're scared, alone, in pain. You stop loving the things you loved before. Everything is so dark and becomes so distant and you're whole body aches. Just get over it they say, but we know that it's just not that easy. Too many lonely dark nights you have cried, put on a smile and carried on with your day like nothing ever happened. You tried your best, you really did try. You feel unwanted, you feel like a failure, you don't know who to turn to, at this point you're almost giving up completely...but then suddenly happy memories come rushing back to you, you're sitting on a pretty beach surrounded by blue skies, the hot sun and warm sand is touching your skin.. you're sat there and you're surrounded by those who love you, they're right there giving you a hug and telling you that everything will be okay, and just in that moment you realise that you were stronger than what your mind and your dark thoughts were making you believe..

Don't ever give up, please. People do care, people will listen! A lot of us go through extremely tough times that may make us believe and think horrible things, but you will get there eventually, with the right support and right mindset you will get through it! No matter how long it takes, small steps are always better than no steps.

Stay strong, always.

User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 February 9th

@StayStrongNeverLoseHope that's a really beautifully written message ❤ trying our best is all we can do🙂 am I trying hard everyday, thank you for the bout of confidence this gave me ❤

1 reply
User Profile: StayStrongNeverLoseHope
StayStrongNeverLoseHope OP February 9th

thank you so much for your kind works! you’ve got this! ❤️

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User Profile: sensitivePond7614
sensitivePond7614 February 9th

Love this post. Thank you for sharing. Makes it feel like things are going to get better.