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Long term depression

Tee0000 September 13th, 2022

For 2 years now I feel like haven't had any happiness. I am unable to laugh or enjoy my life. Work, marriage, family, friends all seems to have problems but I can't figure out what is causing me to be depress. My marriage failed, but don't think that is the reason. I do not want to leave the house or talk to people. I have social anxiety. Generally i think I'm ok but I have no will to live. Seeing other people happy makes me even more angry and jealous. Recently I got covid and I never left the house for 2 years. While other people go out all the time and never catch it. Makes me angry that bad things always happen to me. Does anyone else feel this way?

Thanks for reading.

LostTurtle22 September 13th, 2022


you got yourself into a vicious cycle of negative thinking. when i was like that at the beginning of covid, it took me a good empathic therapist, meds and a new good friend to bring me back to a decent life. Please reach out for help!

toughLion8324 September 13th, 2022


I am been feeling little bit similar. I am suffering from depression for almost 6 years now.

you can practice mindfulness and be compliant with your medications and therapy.

hopefully you will get out of it.

what helps me is being busy, doing exercise, deep breathing etc

Bryanwu2006 September 14th, 2022


Feeling similar, I feel like I am a little depressed during when the covid hit the hardest, I can't go outside and have to stay at my house, and now I still don't want to go outside except special circumstances, anyway, the best way to eliminate fear is to face them, after you are healed from covid, you should start going outside, little by little, at first you can just walk on the street and feel the fresh air, and then if you feel confident, you can do some basic communication with people such as go buying something in a grocery store, etc...

Good luck!