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Confused, and needs help

User Profile: indigoHouse922
indigoHouse922 August 17th, 2024

Hi, I'm 14 and I realized I have so many issues. My parents yell and hit me a lot, but I can't lie they are not evil, they care about me in their own weird way, they showed attention and love. I'm distant with them, and don't tell them much. I make a few jokes, but it's hard to talk to them. I'm in a weird position and I need help, they don't want to accept that. They can't stand it when I make a single mistake. Anyway, my parents always made me work a lot and hit me a lot when I made mistakes. This made me resort to find ways to have fun. When I got my first computer I became addicted with video games because I could just have fun. Eventually, it turned to internet addiction and soon after porn addiction. I realized I need help, as previously I have thought the world has been a better place without me. When I discovered an artist called Kid Cudi, I discovered I had so many problems and I needed help.  At the same time I felt like someone, I don't know why I wanted that attention. I felt dumb, stupid my grades deteriorated. I had no energy to study or do anything unless I was forced too, then I could do it and I could enjoy it. Everyday I'm disgusted with myself for brief moments, I don't like being myself. I have so many issues with myself that I hate. Sometimes they are genuine thoughts, sometimes I force myself to think of these things out of boredom and wanting to feel like someone. I'm trapped in a cycle, get bad grades, because of addiction, get no help, get yelled and hit. I can't escape because first of all I can't survive without porn for 3 days, I can't survive without scrolling. I'm stuck in a cycle that I can't escape, but it's ok that's how I want it. I at least feel like someone. I know I need help desperately, but I can't bring myself to ask for it. Sometimes, I think the world is better without me. These things don't bother me, I've felt it all, being hit, told I was stupid, so many times. I just sit there and laugh. Am I an attention seeker who is pathetic or is there more to it? Do I really have depression or is it made up? Is it not addiction or just lack of self control? Will I be stuck in this cycle forever and will it drive me to insanity. At night sometimes I can't sleep because these thoughts keep me up when I am disgusted with myself. I can have fun and feel ok, but I know I'm trapped in a cycle every day, even though I feel ok, I'm not ok. I have so many questions that need to be answered. 

I realize it's a lot but please help

User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 August 18th, 2024

That sounds like a really nasty cycle to be in. It does sound like you have trauma and mental health issues going on that you need some time to work through.

The porn and the not doing school work are both ways that you are punishing yourself. They do just make things worse as you have already noticed.

So how do you break out? First realize that it is a slow process rather than something you can do all at once. Each time you get three days of peace you deserve to congratulate yourself.

Start out with really basic things - making sure that you are eating healthy food and getting enough liquids. Then shut your computer and get outside in some way every day for 30 minutes or so. If you can create these basic patterns then you can start dealing with all the other stuff.

We are here to help. Feel free to write back to this thread any time for some encouragement. @indigoHouse922