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❋ IMLD ❋ - Espressioni idiomatiche/Idiomatic expressions

User Profile: Toffee
Toffee February 21st, 2017

Diamo il via a questa piccola collezione di espressioni, condividete le vostre preferite!

All right, let's get this show with a collection of idiomatic expressions, share your favorites!

= fit of drowsiness after the meal

= Go back to the drawing board

= a storm in a teacup

User Profile: Toffee
Toffee OP February 21st, 2017

= breathtaking panoramic view

= free-for-all

User Profile: alexrainbow
alexrainbow February 21st, 2017

"Tizio, Caio e Sempronio"

Any Tom, Dick or Harry

User Profile: alexrainbow
alexrainbow February 21st, 2017

"Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio"

The leopard cannot change his spots