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Great culture of your region

discreetGrapefruit945 February 14th, 2022

Share some great cultures and perspective of your country which you like.

I'm sharing the colorful aspect of my country 🙂

GloriaD March 8th, 2022


Oh wow, that’s so beautiful 💛

That’s a nice initiative, getting to know about each other’s culture 😊

discreetGrapefruit945 OP March 8th, 2022


Hey Gloria, thanks and would you like to share yours then?

saynow September 17th, 2022


one of best things we have

i know english nd french

i never find this there

this is thing is patience and never to suicide (this becoz our religion prohibit suicide totally )

you may have all the problems in the world and stay patient for ages nd never suicide

untill all these problems resolved nd you learn the great lessons from this problems

patient be patient

this word we tell to each other everyday

it become part of us really 😂😂

but what is patience ?

to wait untill your problems resolved .... not suicide ....just wait ... pray for god to help you for solutions while you wait

thats what patience mean

i feel patience in english is somewhat like ill person which is weird

in our arabic language patience called الصبر there is a plant drived it s name from this word called الصبار which grow in desert for ages in very hard condition with very very little water
Cactus plant