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favourite country??

User Profile: urguidetohappylife01
urguidetohappylife01 October 27th

hey what is ur favourite country for a vacation and why ... replyyyyy under this post and like it!!!!!!!

User Profile: KindleMissie
KindleMissie October 28th


Maybe Finland🤔 I heard it's the happiest country of the world😊 Would probably spend my vacations there💖

User Profile: sofiacarsonfan27
sofiacarsonfan27 October 28th

i love LA because i like celebrity spotting haha i also love spain because i love the language!! 🇪🇸🇺🇸

User Profile: Rescie
Rescie November 10th


I like South Korea so much recently. Not sure you heard of the slogan "Seoul my soul" before, but Seould is such a place that you can find peace and comfort and love and care there