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stranger to myself

Rossafur May 16th, 2022

Anyone ever feel like their emotions and logic are two squabbling children. my emotions i would like to say are evolved and refined but that is far from to, their more like a dog who was housetrained and does act proper sometimes but other times it reverts to a child and gets frustrated at things you are far to old to be feeling

we all do our best to use logic to help sooth our emotions especially when their raw and vulnerable but sometimes logic trys to deal with a situation and not matter what you try your emotions keep acting like a kindergardner and depression is that annoying downer who shows up to make things worse whenever it fancies them.

i know my example is far less than polished and i probably lost you halfway through so i will get down to the whole reason for writing this.

sometimes i feel like im crazy.

is that ok?

to keep trying to live and happier life and be crazy.

jum444n June 2nd, 2022

absolutely I feel like my emotions are just two sides of the arguing once I telling me I shouldn’t feel anything and the other side telling me to cry like a little baby