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What is your favorite thing about the place where you live?

adventurousGrapes9028 February 9th, 2023

Excited to hear what everyone picks!

globalBraid3744 February 10th, 2023


My favorite thing is our park. It is very beautiful, there are many lakes and birds and during the summer months, they organize free festivals with good music and food.

What is your favorite thing about the place you live in?

gentleWater9634 February 11th, 2023

Riding my bike through the city. Stopping at park to rest before starting afian.

greenTalker5250 February 11th, 2023

The quiet and solitude. I inherited a family house I can barely

it’s peaceful when it isn’t full of bad memories…

23helicopters February 11th, 2023

The sea! It's so beautiful! Whenever I feel sad I go to the beach, it doesn't help all the time tho😂.

aquastarchild February 11th, 2023


My favorite thing about where I live is the beach! I live a couple hours away from the beach, but it’s still nice to be able to go there on vacation when I can. The beach is my happy place

Bunny1637 February 20th, 2023


Everyone knows everyone. It’s a blessing and a curse but I simply love it. You can go down the street and your neighbor will ask how your math quiz went. It’s so sweet!

SirenOfSerenity February 21st, 2023

I love how peaceful and friendly everyone is in my neighborhood 💕

Teatra February 21st, 2023

There are little forest critters by our trail. I love looking at them ❤️

chocolo February 21st, 2023

It’s quiet and rural. Lots of greenery and we see foxes, rabbits, and deer quite often

Burger1girl February 21st, 2023

In the quite farmlands near a small river. I live in the woods on three acres. We let backyard farthest in the back grow wild around a small pond. The wild animals come to drink there. I was so surprised one morning to open back door and see a gigantic deer with huge antlers looking at me. Lasted a few seconds. I stood frozen, taken it majestic beauty. We have wild rabbits, neighborhood owl, armadillos. snakes includes rattlers(I have no problem getting rid of with a flat head shovel), my dogs love to run in the large fenced in backyard chasing squirrels. Fresh air, greenery, peace and home

HopelessDreamer3457 February 21st, 2023


The trees and the sky. Sounds a bit cheesy or like it doesn't fit, I know, but it's true

I love staring at the sky in my neighborhood, especially at night. It's always so pretty where I am

Tinywhisper11 February 21st, 2023

@adventurousGrapes9028 I actually live in a old folks nursing home. I'm only 22 years old and I'm the youngest person here so I get treated like a princess 😁. But my favourite thing is, we have this hugggeeee enclosed garden with lots of plants and flowers and trees. It's so pretty. But in the middle of the garden is a large willow tree and under the tree my carers out a cross in memory of my son. I sit under there for hours just watching the birds and talking to my son ❤

GoingInCircles365 February 21st, 2023

That's a great question :)

I live in a suburban neighborhood but there's a pretty long walking trail nearby and it's a great place to go out for a walk, bike ride, fresh air, exercise, etc., and I am very grateful to have that!

kindPerson6512 February 28th, 2023

Maryland has everything, the ocean, the Chesapeake Bay, mountains, and the coolest flag in the union!

hardworkingStrings2265 March 1st, 2023


I like that so much of the entertainment is FREE! 😃 Over the years I've learned that most places don't offer much entertainment for free and that in some places the price for those things are ASTRONOMICAL!

Emmanotwatson23 March 1st, 2023

The place where I live is hilly so the favourite thing that I like about my place is that I can see the city skyline from my house terrace. It's even more lovely and beautiful at night. 🌃

BlueMoonBlackTree March 1st, 2023


Nothing favourite where i live. But the fruits here is very low in price. Very good quality fruits at very low price.

nupolian March 8th, 2023

The variety of foods!