Tumblr cross over!!!
Hey hey everyone.
Yes i love stupid memes.
Yes there will be a bunch of outdated memes on here (sorry not sorry)
Okay so for anyone who is not familiar with the TAG YOURSELF meme, here's how it goes. You are given a bunch of characters with their caretharistics written besides them. (like you can see below) Rread trough it and leave a a comment bellow which one you are and why!!
Like so:
I'm homo sapiens fish because i love chocolate milk and i am smal but badass, and obvously i'm a dragon (duh!!)
Živjo vsi!
Jap, jz sem obsedena z neumnimi tumblr meme-i.
In jap, tuki bo ogromno starih meme-u (oprosti, ni mi žal haha)
Okie dokie, no za tiste ki niste seznanjeni z OZNAČI SE mem-om, tuki so navodila. Sgoraj je naštetih nekaj karakterjev, zraven taterih je napisanih nekaj njihovih lastnosti. Preberi skozi le te in kkomentiraj spodaj kateri si ti in zakaj!!
Npr takole:
Jaz sem Lippy (tm) ker imam neskončno znanje verzov in pesmi in knjig!
Source: x
Homo sapiens fish and Lippy!!!
I know like everything about geek corners and stuff, and its <3 great lol <3