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If you could fly or teleport anywhere.....

Andrea50 October 16th, 2015

IF YOU COULD fly or teleport to any country in the world.....

What country would you go too?

Why would you go there?

What would you do?

For me....

I would go to Syria. I would go there because it is actually different from where I am. I would go there and help refugees, and give them good and help them escape harm.

Have fun!!!! I'm sure y'all will see some interesting ones here! Can't wait to see what countries y'all do!

braveSugar7964 October 16th, 2015

I'm afraid I would be more "me" focused, and I would teleport up to my partners place in Scotland, and then be able to whip home again. Sigh! If only..

Andrea50 OP October 16th, 2015


thats not bad at all :D. I heard Scotland was a beautiful place.

braveSugar7964 October 16th, 2015

It's absolutely magnificent, Andrea. Just wonderful! How lovely it would be, I'd take you with me to show you, if we could both teleport, then we could go on to Syria.

Andrea50 OP October 16th, 2015

I have many people ask me why I would want to go to Syria. I believe beauty can be found anywhere. Not just that, but I want to help people.

and yeah!!! Scotland sounds great haha.

Andrea50 OP October 17th, 2015

I would also go to the Sahara. I think deserts are super cool!

MidniteAngel October 17th, 2015

I'm not brave enough to go to Syria - but I would love to travel the world and help through volunteer work, raising awareness and also for some great experiences - Imagine going to all those uncharted or out of bounds places no one has ever had the chance to explore? Sounds like a great adventure to me!

Andrea50 OP October 17th, 2015


That is basically me! Not only Syria , but I would love to travel the world and help. Even if it means not sleeping for days or eating for days!

Tanktop13 October 17th, 2015

I would go to Washington state because thats currently where my boyfriend is.

cristiana33 October 17th, 2015

I'm not much of a traveller but this is such a great idea of a "what if" that I cannot resist to post something:

If I could fly or teleport somewhere, I would first go to...

1) Dublin (or any other green place of Ireland) - I love their mythology stories, fairy tales, I love their movies, accent, names, landscapes. Deep down I believe there is something for me there and I must go and search for that special place that my heart is looking for. No matter how silly that sounds.

2) Paris - I've studied in a high school of fine arts. I grew up surrounded by paintings and different artists in my family and in school. I must go to the Louvre and see live those fantastic famous paintings.

3) Barcelona - Similar to my motivation to go to Paris, I want to see live the works of Gaudi, especially the "demonic" Sagrada Familia. His art gives me some special goosebumps and I must see what will be like to walk into his labyrinthic buildings.

October 17th, 2015

England, i love rainy weather, it maches my mood.:)

Andrea50 OP October 17th, 2015

These are all great!!!