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Coming out to my parents

Izzzzzyyyyyy November 16th, 2021

I live in a really homophobic country. Even tho same sex marriage is legal people dont accept it very nicely. The society is a big factor when it comes to topics like this and they are not accepting at all.... At the start of this year i came out as pansexual but i am scared to come out to my parents coz some way or other people are gonna find out and its gonna damage their reputation in the society. I dont like mentioning the word society soo many times but somehow their say is also what matters in a person's life from where I am from. I am continuously debating on whether i should come out or not. Please reply of you have any suggestions.

GoldenNest2727 November 18th, 2021


Are you young, living at home? I wouldn't come out while you live at home. Wait until you're financially independent and in a safe space. I applaud you for your bravery, but it's so much tougher when you're actually dependent on your folks and there's no shame in waiting until you're in a better spot. You can be true to yourself in other ways. If you're an adult and independent, then that changes my answer.