Kindness Challenge
According to the dictionary …
Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
But kindness means so much more ...
Kindness can mean different things to different people. The meaning is in how YOU choose to show it. Be it through empathy, acceptance, kind gestures, thoughtfulness, the possibilities are entirely up to you. Kindness might look like being helpful or showing empathy. It may mean doing nice things without expecting nice things in return. (source: Kindness 101 | Meaning | Definition | What Is Kindness | Inspire Kindness)
Our challenge to you…
We challenge you, the community, to commit a random act of kindness today. Then, come back to this post and share your story. Most importantly, tell us how it made you feel to spread kindness.
I helped someone at the grocery store today by taking their cart to the cart return for them. Always feels good to help others out!
Check out the Family & Caregivers Subcommunity
When driving to work today I saw an older woman had slipped and fallen on the sidewalk. There was a lot of ice now that the snow is melting away. I just couldn't drive by so I stopped the car, got out and helped her up again, making sure she was alright. She was of course very thankful but also a bit embarrassed.
My mother is suffering from muscle pain these days so I massaged her after coming back home from work at the hospital. I am blessed that I get such an opportunity to show my love & affection for her. She always blesses me & prays for me which is truly priceless for me.
That's wonderful. I'm glad you are both able to have such a close bond.
Thank you so much, dear.
Have a great year ahead.
@PeaceLoveandPaws Today I worke up early and decided to host my ever first sharing circle. I don't know what it was but I got the urge to want to be helpful and kind to those who needed to let off some steam. It feels good to know that supporting others really creates an impact on their lives
Congratulations! I know your support was deeply appreciated.
I hope so. Thank you
I did many things to spread kindness lately, it made me feel happy to spread kindness lately etc...
I agree. It feels so good to be kind.