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What causes your brain to procrastinate and how to face it (Article)

User Profile: sunnyWriting4806
sunnyWriting4806 May 3rd, 2023

“A 2022 study in the journal Nature Communications suggests that a root of procrastination may lie in a cognitive bias — we believe that doing tasks will somehow be easier in the future.

“You know it’s going to stink in the future just as much as it’s going to stink doing it now, but internally you just can’t help yourself,” said Samuel McClure, professor of psychology and cognitive neuroscientist at Arizona State University. “It’s a fascinating phenomenon — that myopia you can’t escape — even though if you just stop and think about it, it’s ludicrous.”

There is individual variation, but “procrastination is a tendency that we all encounter in our life in different domains, or at different time points in our lives,” said Raphaël Le Bouc, a neurologist at the Paris Brain Institute and author of the study. “But the true cognitive mechanisms behind it are not really known. And this might be a reason why it’s difficult to overcome this tendency.””

My Takeaways:

  • According to a Nature Communications study, people have a tendency to procrastinate due to a belief that the task at hand will become easier the later time moves on.

  • Of course if you really think about this notion it sounds silly. But researchers find that these kinds of justifications are often made almost subconsciously as we go about our day. Ever find yourself saying “I’ll do it tomorrow”? It may be a manifestation of a belief that tomorrow will be a better day to work, or your mind will be better prepared to tackle the task at hand.

  • In reality, this isn’t the case. Realizing this may be the key to avoid procrastination and putting things off for later.

Full article is here!

#Procrastination #WorkStress #Studying

What are some ways we can counter procrastination?

User Profile: DaisyDaph
DaisyDaph May 10th, 2023


Hi! Thank you for shedding light on procrastination. I feel like it has become a silent epidemic that our brains have adapted to; when we do things last minute and stress ourselves out in the process. Understanding the root cause of procrastination would definitely help us tackle it. 👍

User Profile: Emotionalsupport4u
Emotionalsupport4u May 10th, 2023

Thank you for writing such a nice article

User Profile: Emerbliss
Emerbliss May 10th, 2023


This is really insightful. Thank you for sharing this with all of us 🔆.