It is better to not worry about the future or outcome?
As a visionary I can't stop thinking about how the last day of pursuiting my life goal is as I do not much time nor what I need
The point is would it be overall more beneficial if I stop caring about about it and just focus on the current process?
the simple answer is depends on the person
1. if people have a goal or passion and think about what is next step it can be very motivating. Some need that dream to push themselves. To be creative to get the things they need to accomplish
2. I live around those who just live for the current day / no real worry or thought about future no real plan and as a result it is all looking backward later talking of could have / would have as they stopped short of ever reaching for something.
3. Then there are the outliers those who seem carefree and every step seems without struggle or issues....
i have tried #1 and 2. i will stick to 1 as i am sure i was not meant to be #3