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Feeling like a failure

User Profile: friendlyChestnut3812
friendlyChestnut3812 August 23rd, 2024

I need some advice or at least words of comfort. I’ve hated my job for over a year because of an unmanageable workload and difficult coworkers. I’m on a project with a massive learning curve and it feels too challenging, which overwhelms me a lot. I’ve tried a few things and got more training but it hasn’t improved much so I know it’s time to get another job.

The issue is I’ve applied to so many jobs for the last 2 months and haven’t even gotten an interview. I wish I could just quit and take a break from working but that’s not an option because of my mortgage.

Therapy and keeping myself busy with hobbies after work has helped but I feel very stuck, depressed and hopeless in my situation. I constantly dream of things I’d rather be doing and want to run away from this stressful project. But at the same time, I question if I should just suck it help and focus on the more positive parts of my life.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 August 23rd, 2024


I feel sometimes in life we are faced with similar challenges. You have applied and started to detach which is a positive move. When we cannot move on from a situation dreaming of escaping sometimes makes current situation harder to deal with. When i have been in those shoes i just took my attitude from "i hate this" to i am a new employee and am tackling each project let go of items that remind me of less then helpful co-workers etc. 

When we let our frustration and dislike take root even a new job we can not go in with a fresh attitude.