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Your Guide to Understanding and Managing Workplace Stress (Article)

User Profile: sunnyWriting4806
sunnyWriting4806 April 22nd, 2023

“Managing stress in the workplace may seem like just a task for employees, but the reality is that reducing work-related stress requires a comprehensive approach that involves both employees and their employers.

In one small study from 2018, researchers explored the work stress prevention needs of roughly 15 employees and supervisors from different occupations. According to the study, some of the possible stress prevention measures included things like adequate staff, appropriate workload, frequent breaks, and open communication, among others.

However, sometimes it’s not feasible for someone to wait for workplace changes to alleviate their work stress ― especially in industries that are more stress-prone, like healthcare and customer service. So, here are some potential tools you can use as an employee to help you manage your workplace stress:

  • Mindfulness: Research shows that engaging in mindful activities like meditation can help reduce stress and job strain and improve overall well-being.

  • Movement: Any type of exercise is beneficial for stress, but research suggestsTrusted Source that mindful exercises like yoga can help significantly reduce work-related stress.

  • Therapy: Therapy with a trained mental health professional can help you learn different coping strategies to better manage your stress levels at work.

  • Connection: If you’re feeling stressed or burned out at work, reach out to your manager and let them know how it’s affecting you. There may also be employee resource groups set up to help reduce stress in your company culture.

While there are many different approaches that you can take to help lower your work-related stress, it’s not always easy to take that first step. If you’re concerned that the stress from your job is having an impact on your quality of life, reach out to your doctor to discuss the next steps.”

My Takeaways:

  • Workplace stress is affected by a complex interplay between work environment and also the personal experience one receives when working. A great environment can certainly help but the subjective perspective of the worker is important as well.

  • The article states that some personal things we can do to avoid burnout is practicing mindfulness, finding ways to move around the office/workplace, connecting with fellow workers and managers, and therapy if needed.

  • In the past, workplace stress was seen more as a natural part of work, something one should “get-over”. But more and more we see that workplace stress is a very real phenomenon and can cause companies losses and workers health problems. Therefore it’s important to address these topics to create a healthy workplace environment and educated employees who are able to work their best without burnout.

Full article is here!

#WorkStress #Burnout #Stress

What are some ways you prevent work-related burnout?

May 3rd, 2023


Thank you for sharing this, I agree with all the points which you shared and definitely think they could help prevent work-related burnout. For me I enjoy mindfulness so the I get alot out of the mindfulness library here at 7Cups. Would definitely recommend checking out the library!

1 reply
User Profile: sunnyWriting4806
sunnyWriting4806 OP May 4th, 2023


The videos and passages are really helpful! Yes mindfulness really helps and it helps you stay conscious of your own stress and burnout status. Thank you for reading :)

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