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I know what the problem is and it's not me, it's YOU

User Profile: NoWordsNoVoice
NoWordsNoVoice January 11th

I have never been understood and have been chronically misperceived.  It's the same situation over and over again.  I go about daily life, work, or whatever, and anyone and everyone else will look at me like I'm crazy (they're clearly trying to determine what drove me to do what I did and why), however, when they work out whatever it was that I was doing, they end up doing the same thing and just remain quiet.

The fact of the matter is that I have been discriminated by anyone and everyone both in my life and there is not a thing that I can do about it; it's NOT my problem.  YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!

It's fact.  It's realistic.  It's logical and common sense.  

I have tried and done everything in my power to make you, the illiterate understand, however, all that is ever demonstrated is your lack of comprehension, intelligence, coherence and cognizance.

I'm absolutely done with the illiterate.  LEAVE ME ALONE!

User Profile: Skansly
Skansly January 11th


i hope whatever you are saying " THE PERSON GETS IT" and leaves  you alone.

1 reply
User Profile: NoWordsNoVoice
NoWordsNoVoice OP January 11th

@Skansly Clearly not.

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