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Bipolar/ breast cancer survivor medical professional

bipolarcancersurvivor March 3rd, 2021

So tired of the repeating cycle of financial distress from overspending without a care during manic episodes, burdening ailing parents with the aftermath of the financial woes and worrying them. When I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer I was briefly relieved I might be able to die naturally and be rid of the financial worries. When I switched jobs to earn more, ended up breaking into psychosis and having to quit that job. My current job is the best for my condition with 5 hours of work but during my most manic episode I couldn't stand the monotonous work and took on a myriad of courses without care on how to budget the payments for. My recent financial distress made me ponder whether an accidental car crash and death may be most beneficial financially to my parents and still look like an accident so it wouldn't be an embarrassment.

FinleyTews March 3rd, 2021

@bipolardentist It must be so hard to go through all that. Do you think having someone else holding a part of your money so you can spend it all would help? Do you have a therapist or some people you can share about bipolar experiences? Good luck.

bipolarcancersurvivor OP March 3rd, 2021

Thank you. Mom has been managing and monitoring my bank account since 2016 ( last financial crisis event) where my salary is deposited and I still managed to just overextend on credit card debt so after this last episode she will keep all my cards except a lower limit one which she expects me to use. I see a psychiatrist and tried online text therapy but avoided mentioning about being bipolar and just discussed in detail the past relationship trauma.