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Help a daughter.

User Profile: Fatmaisasoup
Fatmaisasoup December 28th

Hi everyone, I'm too shy to talk about this but I'm going to cut the whole big story and come up with a summary.

Well, I finally discovered what my father (I haven't actually lived with since I was 2 years old) has, which is (Bipolar Disorder), but I really need your help with understand what this thing is.

Because, this could change my whole life as a teenager.

Thank you very much


User Profile: RiverJumper2
RiverJumper2 December 30th



bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects the brain, you can look it up more about it online.

Many people even with the condition can life a normal and healthy life, some don't.

I hope for the best

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User Profile: Fatmaisasoup
Fatmaisasoup OP December 30th

Ooh really!

So it's dangerous.

Ok I have a question 🙋

What does a bipolar patient feel?

What does he need?

This can help me get to know him and his needs a bit.

Thanks I really appreciate your support River!

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User Profile: SamDoc
SamDoc Friday

Hi, Welcome to 7 cups

First of all, admire your bravery to discuss this problem even as a teenager which is a huge thing and also wanting to help someone than just moving on requires strength.

I would like to suggest 2 things, one is What is Bipolar disorder? and the second is what you can do on your part to help one of the first people you ever came to know.

1. Bipolar Disorder like any other mental disorder is a state having some underlying reason. Why it is disordering or unsafe is because the person can hurt himself or someone else because of occasional loss of control.

A person with Bipolar swings from being very Manic and lifted up (to the point of being dominant) To being extremely depressed and low to the point of hating oneself. Such disorder episodes are occasional but have to be handled like an emergency.

2. How you can be of invaluable help:

a. Try talking to him and trying to understand what troubles him. Many times such disorders are due to accumulated grief, regrets or unachieved goals or dreams. Try to talk with him about his childhood and youth and to know his life story and struggles.

b. Ask him to write down his thoughts and to study his mind everyday atleast for 10 minutes, it will help to clear and reorganize things which will resurface the underlying clutter of all these years.

c. Let him know that you care for him and that he has achieved a lot and life is to live everyday inspite of all our joys and sorrows

Living life here and now and even trying to go on a journey of your dreams even if unfulfilled does some good even somewhere in the world and that the journey is as enjoyable and important as the destination.

d. Take medical help whenever you require, any medication will only be to calm your mind down till the chemicals in your mind and mental faculties can reorganise and we do take medicines if we have fever or when our body is disordered for whatever reasons

Blessings, take care,

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User Profile: Fatmaisasoup
Fatmaisasoup OP Saturday
  • @SamDoc

Oh, I'm crying! 

What a detailed explanation. This is for sure I didn't need it most, I feel like I was in his place. I wish you happiness for the rest of your life. 

  • Second. An amazing idea, asking him about his life, I'll ask him about his childhood and his life! I knew from my mother that he traveled to the countries of the world, to France and America, etc. 

I find a problem that he doesn't talk at all very, very secretive, but I'll try everything I can and I'll do my best for this! 

*(The last thing I just wanted to highlight  that I don't live with him) . 

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User Profile: SamDoc
SamDoc 3 days ago

Hi, Thank you for your wonderful words of encouragment.

What I feel could also be done in case your father likes to keep things to himself (similar situation to what I faced):

1. Start by making him help you, by talking to him about normal everyday life problems,

This will take his mind away from anything that his troubling him

It will also help him feel good about himself that he could be of help to his brave daughter.

Also considering that you are a teen, he will try to share his own memeories as a teenager, which could start opening him up

From there on you could start by increasing your curiosity about his life, even about trivial things 'How would you get access to clean water?', 'How did you get the strength to start a family and balance your life and work?'

Of course this may take time, you could start by just taking out half an hour everyday for him, so that you can manage your schedule along with this new responsibility of making sure that he realises his own Beauty.

Take care, I hope I could be of help the same way, beautiful people like you have been to me in the past

Blessings from the Universe,

You are wonderful