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Psychosis and teens :)

User Profile: jadetherose
jadetherose October 30th, 2014

Hey there, so i actually have schizoaffective disorder, which means i suffer frompsychosis/schizophrenia and a mood disorder (because of my other identities, it is classed as minor bipolar) so i do get it. I thought i would make this little old thread to have advice.

So what is psychosis?

Psychosis is BASICALLY (very vaguely) a time where you have hallucinations, such as vividly hearing voices, seeing shadows or things, feeling things on your skin that are notthere, smells and tastes that arent really there etc. Additionally, you may experience delusions, which other people point out, delusions are when you think somethign is true but it definetly isnt, and it may be a bit "out there", one of my oldest delusions was that i could fly (which resulted in MANY trips to hospital, due to my love of high places and flying...). Also, you often experience symptoms such as a detachment from life, depression, anger etc or dissociation and anxiety.

What are the causes?

This is the part im not too good on, but i know that many psychoactive drugs can cause psychosis as a side effect, such as cannabis and LSD. Additionally, spinal or brain injuries can cause psychotic symptoms. Sometimes it happens as a result of depression, which is called psychotic depression. Trauma can also cause it, along with flashbacks and dissociation. There are MANY causes, too many to name, and sometimes there is no obvious cause.

What is the treatment for psychosis?

Generally, psychosis needs a doctor to treat it, but trying to dogrounding skills can help. In my net post i will list grounding skills. But professional treatment for psychosis generally consists of an anti psychotic medication and talking therapy. For some people, art therapy helps them much more, as many psychotic people struggle with communication. Medications commonly used for under 18s include Risperidone, olanzapine and quetiapine. Therapy helps you get to the original root cause, and to help you combat what you feel as a result of the root cause. It also helps you learn how to talk to the hallucinations and argue against any negative things they may tell you. Additionally, therapy/psychology can help you to develop coping skills such as meditation, grounding skills etc (mor ein my next post).

How cna I help someone I suspect is struggling with psychosis?

As medication and professional therapy are the best ways of stopping psychosis, im afraid that all you can really do is suggest grounding skills, in the moment coping skills, and to say "You aren't crazy, i promise" helping someone see themselves NOT as a freak is possibly the best thing to do, and it feels amazing to know you are normal, that you can get through it.

My next post will have some self coping skills :)

let me know if you think i could make some similar posts for other issues.

Many thanks

jade :)

User Profile: Sparkleofhope
Sparkleofhope October 30th, 2014

It's very informative, Jade!