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User Profile: MeowgicalCaticorn
MeowgicalCaticorn April 14th, 2023


My name is Laura and im a listener here. I was diagnosed Bipolar 2 years ago but was told about 10 years ago that was wrong since i never had any hypomanic phases. Well, Two weeks ago I had my first one that lasted a few days and I didn't like it. If there's anyone here with Bipolar 2 that can offer me some insight into how you live with it, I would love to hear from you!

User Profile: fruityPond7887
fruityPond7887 April 26th, 2023

@Justlaura7973 Hi Laura! I hope you are doing well! I am sorry to hear that you experienced your first hypomanic phase 😞 I can imagine that was really difficult and scary for you! I think your best bet for seeking support is to log into your member account, or create one if you don't have one already, and speak to a Listener πŸ’› You can find one that has direct experience with bipolar! You will definitely be able to get more support there instead of a Listener account. I am rooting for you! πŸ’›